Dealing with separation anxiety in little ones

Aug 5, 2024
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Parenting can be a rollercoaster of emotions, especially when a baby suffers from separation anxiety. What is separation anxiety and what is the best way to deal with it as a mother? In this blog, we will tell you more about this topic and give you 6 tips!

What is separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety is part of a child's development and often starts around 6-8 months of age. The moment when your baby or infant realises that you are not always around. Each baby reacts differently, depending on their personality and adventurous nature.

Other causes of separation anxiety

Sometimes separation anxiety arises from changes in routine, such as the start of childcare or a new babysitter. Stressful events, such as a move, can also trigger these emotions.

6 tips for dealing with separation anxiety

1. Routine is essential: Create a clear routine for your little one. Consistency provides safety and predictability, which can reduce separation anxiety.

2. Build trust: Practise leaving your child alone for short periods and gradually build this up. For example, let them meet up with their friends after school. 

3. Make goodbyes positive: Say goodbye in a happy and reassuring way. Give a hug, a kiss and let them know you will be back soon.

4. New environment: If you have a new babysitter or a new teacher, introduce them gradually. Let your child get used to the new faces and environment. 

5. Comforting object: Give your little one a comforting object, such as a cuddly toy or blanket with the smell of home, to help calm them down in case you are not there for a while.

6. Be patient: Remember that this is a phase. Be patient and give your child time to adjust to new situations.

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