MAMALOVES X By Charly - The Dream Collection

Jan 17, 2025
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With great pride, we are launching the Dream Collection in collaboration with By Charly. By Charly was founded by Charlotte le Conge Kleyn. As a mindful parenting expert, her goal is to bring more peace to families and help parents reconnect with themselves and their children. She achieves this through popular children's meditations and her book, 't Maanemannetje.

The idea of connecting children's meditations with meaningful jewelry arose from our personalized jewelry, capturing what means the most to someone. The concept emphasizes the connection between mother and child.

Mamaloves x Charly Katrien en Charly samen2

A meaningful and connecting piece of jewelry for mother and child

The Dream Collection comprises four beautiful gemstones incorporated into a necklace for mom, with a complimentary matching bracelet for your child. The necklace can also be personalized with charms featuring the initials of your child(ren).

For each stone, Charly has recorded a corresponding meditation linked to the energy and power of the stone. When you purchase an item from the Dream Collection, you receive the matching children's bracelet as a gift, valued at €9.95, and a unique link to listen to and admire the meditation together.

This collection creates a moment of connection by listening to one of the meditations together before bedtime. It allows you and your child to pause and reflect amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


         'Meditating gives children more resilience               to deal with their emotions and thoughts.'

Mamaloves x Charly Slaapmeditatie Moeder Kind jpg

 Meditating with Kids

Meditation gives children more resilience to cope with their emotions and thoughts. The jewelry can support both mother and child with the strength and unique energy of the respective stone, fostering a strong connection between them, even when they are apart. Charlotte answers the most frequently asked questions about meditation.

When is it a good idea to meditate with your child?

Charlotte: "If your child has many thoughts, struggles with concentration, difficulty falling asleep or sleep problems, sensory issues, difficulty with changes, nervousness, or fears (such as before a test or swimming lessons), difficulty expressing emotions (tantrums, sadness, infatuation), then meditations can truly bring calmness."

What is a good time to meditate with your child?

Charlotte: "You can do the children's meditation at any time of the day. I personally find it nice before bedtime so that your child can process all the stimuli of the day and transition from the head to the body. Meditating together with your child creates a quality moment together and helps you as a parent relax more for the rest of your day or evening. It's a win-win."

8 Dream Collectie sfeerbeeld Rozenkwarts armband en ketting met initiaal L


 Love and Peace - Rose Quartz

This is the stone of love, encompassing love for oneself as well as love received from friends, family, or others. Additionally, it serves as a heartwarmer when feeling sad or experiencing homesickness. The stone assists with various emotions felt in the body, and if you want to engage in creative pursuits, it will support you in creating beautiful things. Place the stone on your nightstand in the evening for a peaceful night's sleep.

Mamaloves x Charly Maansteen Ketting Moeder en Kind


Intuition and Balance - Moonstone

This stone helps you find peace in busy places and reconnects you with your feelings and intuition when you're uncertain about choices. It also aids in relaxing after a hectic school day, helping your body calm down when feeling restless.

If you want a peaceful night's sleep and perhaps recall your dreams, the stone provides this with the gentle maternal energy of the moonstone. It will comfort, cherish, and protect you.

Mamaloves x Charly Tijgeroog Ketting Armband


 Strength and Confidence - Tiger Eye

This stone provides strength, self-confidence, and extra luck. It's beneficial to wear this bracelet to school, as it can help improve concentration. It serves as a genuine protective stone, especially if you're facing bullying. The stone helps you stand up for yourself.

Additionally, the stone brings peace when your mind is filled with thoughts, or when you're not feeling well or experiencing intense anger. If you're afraid at night, sick, have growing pains, or nightmares, place the stone under your bed or pillow, and it will provide help and strength.

Mamaloves x Charly Malachiet Ketting Armband Moeder en Kind


Mother and Child Comfort and Security - Malachite

This stone, with its powerful effects, protects you on the go and during changes. If you're going on vacation and feeling anxious about a new place or flying, take this traveler's stone with you.

The stone will protect you day and night, not only on the journey but also at home or school. When you're using devices like iPads, computers, or TVs, the stone cleanses the radiation from these devices, allowing you to start each day fresh. Placing the stone in the full moonlight at night will recharge it, ready to accompany you with full strength.

In essence, this collection facilitates moments of connection, offering a shared experience of meditating together before bedtime.


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