What is a gender reveal?

Aug 5, 2024
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What does gender reveal mean?
Gender reveal literally means revealing the sex of the baby.

What is a gender reveal?
A gender reveal is a party where the sex of the baby is revealed. Usually a location is decorated with pink and blue items. During the gender reveal party, the gender of the baby is often revealed in a creative way. Think of confetti cannons from which pink or blue chips come out, puncturing a balloon or cutting a cake with the color pink or blue inside. You can't imagine anything so crazy that it is possible. The parents themselves often do not know the sex of the baby yet, which makes the party extra special and emotional!

When gender reveal?
You usually organize a gender reveal during the period when the sex of the baby is known. Usually this is at 20 weeks, but nowadays this is even possible from 14 weeks.


What do you give at a gender reveal?
When you go to a gender reveal as a guest, it is of course nice to bring a small gift. You don't know yet whether it is a boy or a girl, so what do you buy for a gender reveal party?

There are several gender reveal gifts you can choose from. Think of a diaper cake, clothes, cuddly toys, books or a personalized piece of jewelry for mom or dad from MAMALOVES. If you find it difficult to choose a piece of jewelry, you can also give a Gift Card, with which the parents can choose a gift themselves. A personalized bracelet or necklace with a name, initial, ultrasound, footprint or date is the best gift to give. It is personal and the engraving immediately gives the gender reveal gift an emotional meaning, which they can carry with them forever.

Gender reveal gifts

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